Why You Should Upgrade to Anti Snap / Snap Safe Locks this Winter

Why You Should Upgrade to Anti Snap / Snap Safe Locks this Winter hero image

There’s usually a spike in home break-ins in November and December, so investing in high security anti-snap locks (snap safe locks) is something that every homeowner should consider, particularly if you’re going away. Christmas can attract a high level of criminal activity as people are out celebrating or visiting relatives – and the prospect of expensive gifts under the tree can be an attractive bonus for thieves.

Furthermore, there’s been a reported surge in burglaries in the UK since April 2021, so there’s never been a more critical time to upgrade your home security. Investing in the best anti-snap locks / snap safe locks will improve your safety and security in a number of ways. Here’s how…


Keeping your locks up to date

The very first thing we should talk about when it comes to lock upgrades is the importance of doing it regularly. If you are worried about the current rise in home-breaks in the UK – and you haven’t updated your locks in the last few years – now is the time to do so.

Routinely changing uPVC door locks will ensure that there are no spare keys in circulation. From previous residents (or old tenants if you’ve been subletting) to anyone who has had access to your home (such as builders, contractors or cleaners), there could be many ways in which your keys could have ended up in the wrong hands.

Acts as a burglar deterrent

An anti-snap cylinder lock is the perfect way to keep thieves at bay! Lock-snapping is one of the most common methods of entry, and it doesn’t require a lot of skill or experience to do it – with any burglars being able to snap a front door lock in minutes.

Upgrade to the best snap safe locks on the market and criminals will see that your home is not worth their time. Today’s advancements in anti-snap locks for uPVC doors offer a virtually impenetrable layer of protection – and the more time spent trying to pick a lock, the higher the risk of being seen and getting caught.

Added layer of protection

As well as being completely snap safe, anti-snap locks for uPVC doors can help to protect you from the blowtorch method.

Most locks that conform to British standards should be able to withstand a blowtorch attack (not all – so please be sure to check), so make sure when you’re upgrading you double-check what types of snap safe locks are available and research the best one to get.

Stop opportunistic crime

While some home break-ins are planned, many are conducted by opportunist thieves who happen to be in the right place at the right time. There are many cases of break-ins that are aimed at taking your car keys (usually kept near the front door), with the aim of stealing your car.

Firstly, never place your keys near access points – burglars do return to the same houses, so don’t make your home an easy target. And second, upgrade to anti-snap cylinder locks to stop them in their tracks.

Want to find out more about upgrading your uPVC door locks to improve home security this winter? Get in touch with Lock and Key Wakefield for a free, no-obligation home security check! Call 01924 378444 to speak to a member of our friendly team.

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